Friday, June 3, 2011

So let the weekend begin with red!

I shall be starting the weekend off right with Happy Hour at the Dog House...A.K.A. The Douglass House.  A very fine establishment that dates back to the Copper Mining days in the Houghton area.

Mark and I stopped in a few weeks ago and were happily greeted by free chili dogs! We enjoyed a dog at the Dog as well as some rather tasty beverages and our regular half-dozen of pickled eggs! Delicious!
I have to experiment and make my own home batch of eggs...some day...

Happy Hour truly is going to make me happy today! I will mostly likely consume a few of my favorites...Killian's Irish Red!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Graduation: Big check mark!

I feel so tired yet so accomplished! I received my Bachelor of Fine Art this weekend!
I look forward to more posts and more free time....
Here's to the FUTURE!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall into FUN!

I found this image while searching "fall leaves" this morning...I love it.
It's available from

I'm thinking I'm going to mimic this same image with me and my family!  I love the fall season!  Crisp air, apples, and leaves!
Bundle up!